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Gmail: Send Emails in Background with Background Send [Gmail Labs]



As the name suggests, Background Sending in Gmail let you send an email in background without interrupting your next task. So, you do not need to wait for an email to be sent completely without moving to some other folder from the Compose page.

This feature can be really helpful for them sending lots of email together. It will save your time for sure.

If you want to enable the Background Sending in Gmail then, just follow the steps given below:

1. Go to your Gmail account and

2. Click on the Settings option on the top right hand corner and select Mail Settings


3. Now, click on Labs button and look for the option of Background Send.

4. Just click on the Enable option and save the settings.

From next time whenever you will send an email from your Gmail account, it will be sent in Background mode and you can continue checking emails without waiting the current email to be sent completely.
