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Sites To Perform Basic SEO Analysis On Any Website



There are a number of tools on the internet, some paid, some free, some partially free; ready to take over your responsibility to worry about the SEO analytics. They help to look at you website the way Google would have seen it. In this article, you will come to know three websites which provide services in this arena, absolutely free.

Check My Links
Broken Link Checker

Check My Links makes it easier for you to see corrections before a page goes live. The Wikipedia, for example, contains a whopping 700 links for the term ‘marketing’.  Check My Links was able to detect this figure in a matter of seconds and also, found and highlighted the broken links.

SEO Report Card


A project of UpCity, SEO Report Card lets you analyze your website in order to determine how to compete in the wide array of websites. While you exchange some of your information, this app will serve with a report including:

  • Link Building: Detail of who is linking back to your site
  • Rank Analysis: A snapshot covering the rank of your website on Yahoo, Google and Bing. The ranking is usually based on the main keyword that you select while putting information to build the report.
  • Website Accessibility: It is a section which focuses on your website’s ease of accessibility and load and response time for crawlers.
  • On-Site Analysis: A view of how successful you had been in incorporating the main keyword in your website.
  • Current Indexing: A look at how many of the web pages of your website have already been indexed
  • Trust Metrics: Gives an overview of the website’s level of authority or trust.


WooRank is another website which lets you to know about your SEO analytics with ease. The website shows a report which is divided into eight main sections. The sections include:

  • Usability
  • Marketing Checklist
  • Mobile
  • SEO
  • Technologies incorporated
  • Local
  • Social
  • Visitors

woo rank

The website spans across seventy metrics which make it easier to uncover more opportunities for improvement.


