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5 Signs That Show You Could Become a Writer



Signs That Show You Could Become a Writer

If you are the kind of person who spends a great deal of time staring at a wall in your room, thinking deep down what challenges life is throwing your way or anything that might not, in any way, matter to the world. If you have these germs in you, along with some others that will be later discussed in this article, you might end up as a writer in some part of your life. Shocked, what I just said? I had no self-confidence I could write, even a word, but now working professionally as a writer.

Signs That Show You Could Become a Writer

J.K. Rowling, the famous Harry Potter writer was turned down by 12 publishers just to end up at Bloomsburry. Ever wondered why she was picked there? The story was handed over to the chairperson’s eight years old daughter to go through it and she demanded more and more.

Just once in life have you thought that maybe you belong to the same group? For your ease and realization, let me tell you 5 signs that show you could become a writer.

You are a thinker

As I have said before if you have any symptoms of being a writer, the first one begins with thinking and thinking a lot. A writer just loves to spend a lot of time with own self. They ponder on topics from the first man who touched the moon to how can some people be so insensitive!

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You are an adventurer

Whether it is a movie about a young boy or a romantic comedy of two, who fell in love at first sight; from saving money to helping the poor to spend thousands on travel and shopping, you are the true adventurer.

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You love to note down everything

Trust me, every writer cannot rely on an electronic device solely. They always note down important and even less important things in journals, diaries, sticky notes, or anything that is secure. They mostly forget things quite easily and that’s the time when these posts help a lot.


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You have a wide imagination

I, personally, talk a lot and when I don’t, I silently read the person or when bored, make my own stories about that person. Not only me, I can bet every writer does the same when idle. A writer is incomplete without imagination if he can’t make stories of his own. If you are a pro in this aspect, you are going to enter the writing world soon, my friend!eb7e2d266101384f1c8d15946c5b3edb

You mine for words

Sorry, what was that word that you just said? If you hear a person say that loud at a party, get-together, function, or possibly anywhere, he is a writer by heart. A writer has this very special instinct to hear a unique, new word from any corner of the room. Even if they don’t hear it from someone, they always look for synonyms or spend hours looking for the most suitable word in a thesaurus.

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There is a possibility that you did realize you have that talent but never dared to show it. Why not now? If you think you can change the world with your pen, don’t fear anymore and write your first draft.
