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Software Review Request

At tipsOtricks, we offer professional software review service on our blog. We review web services, software tools, SaaS, and online businesses on demand. We have been reviewing websites, web services, software, other startups, and online businesses, on-demand. We think that it is a great way to introduce your product, services or company, through blogs, like ours, which have a huge readership and a large number of fans and followers.

It’s much better than spending loads of money on advertisements on sites that are filled with advertisements and only tend to make money rather than gaining loyal readership and followers.

At tipsOtricks, we have a large number of RSS readers, Twitter followers, and over 50K fans at our Facebook fan page. So, if you choose us to review and market your product or website, then it’s guaranteed that it will be visible to all those thousands of followers and fans, instantly!

In return, you’ll get:

– Thousands of visits to your website/product
– Our visitors becoming your customers
– PR 4 quality (nofollow) backlinks to your site
– More visibility on search engine
– More visitors due to higher rankings of your site!

With our software review service, it’s guaranteed that that your product/websites will be reviewed thoroughly, with all services and aspects of your company/product discussed in the review.

Here are some samples of our websites/web services reviews:

Some samples of our software/product reviews:

View all of our reviews →

The price usually starts from $100 and depends upon the number of factors, like number of words required in the review, number of (nofollow) backlinks, type of disclosure and other special requirements by the advertiser.

If you are interested, then contact us using the form below. Give all the possible details about your company/product/service and do mention other requirements that you want to be included in the review, this will help us to quote you the price in the immediate reply.