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SEO Techniques That No More Work In The Year 2016



SEO Techniques That No More Work in the Year 2016

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) provides great help to improve traffic on websites by getting it to a top-rank placement in (SERP) Search Engine Results Page such as Bing, Google, Yahoo, and many others. Some of the strategists may say that SEO is dead, which is not true at all. As the matter of fact, SEO has died for the people who have failed to adapt to the dynamic rules. These rules change almost every month and increase the requirements of tools, knowledge, skills and patience. Below are the SEO techniques that no more work in the year 2016

SEO Techniques That No More Work in The Year 2016

SEO techniques that have worked great until yesterday might not work at all tomorrow. Indeed, with the growing rate of upgrades by Google it doesn’t matter if your website traffic graph was at the top yesterday, you may see it going down tomorrow.

It is important to keep in mind, that we should have a look at the following 7 SEO techniques that no more work in the year 2016. Indeed, they were the best methods five years back, but now they do nothing more than harming your site. They are:

Focusing On Quantity Of Links Over Quality

If you’re still using large numbers of links to boost your website’s ranking, it’s the time you should stop doing it and focus on the quality of links. Because it is more important to provide the quality links than stuffing loads of links. After all, Google has said that the websites can have as many links as they are in a reasonable amount.

Putting keywords in Meta description

Almost a decade back, it was a good technique to put keywords in the meta description, and it also used to get users’ results. But after 2009 (per Google’s new rules) the keywords are no longer used as an SEO ranking factor. But this doesn’t mean that you should ignore the metadata descriptions. You should provide the metadata descriptions by writing them with keeping the audience in mind so that they can understand what the website is about.


You should provide the metadata descriptions by writing them with keeping the audience in mind so that they can understand what the website is about.

Overdoing keywords – high keyword density

Many strategists may say that over stuffing the keywords in web content, meta descriptions, titles, etc. is useful, but nowadays this is not the case. While Google has not given any specification about keyword density over stuffing keywords in your web content and a large number of times that a keyword appears in metadata, webpage, descriptions, and titles, in particular, it can harm the SEO rankings of your site.

Duplicating content

Google has provided a detailed notice about the Duplication of the content regarding SEO. They agree with the idea of many websites that requires the duplicate content, but this only includes printer versions of web pages and the forums that provide the content aimed at saleable items and mobile devices that are linked via URLs. If the mentioned content is not your idea of duplicating a content for your web, then you will be charged for manipulating the search results.

If the mentioned content is not your idea of duplicating content for your web, then you will be charged for manipulating the search results.

Do Not Waste Time On Adding Images To Your Content

It is also one the SEO techniques that no more work in the year 2016. For a time being, it was acceptable to oversight the images and hope for a good ranking without using any alt text image. Eliminating the images on your articles or your sites will make you miss a tool which can be important. Search engines need to find any images on websites. Therefore, it is important to provide alt-text describing images for the Google to know what it returns.


A Better Ranking for More Traffic

It is a misconception that high ranking helps to attract more traffic to your site. Appearing on the top list is one thing, but attracting visitors is completely a different story. There are couple of reasons behind this misconception which states as:

  • Your content strategy is not appropriate.
  • Your meta descriptions are not attractive.

Provide More Pages to Get More Traffic

Some SEO experts may tell you to have more pages to get more traffic on your site. Likewise, link building, if content writing is done for the only purpose of filling the number of pages, it won’t work. It is important to focus more on the quality rather than quantity. Only good quality content can help you to increase your site ranking. But if your content is no good, all those pages you have created are just a waste of time.


These outdated practices were used to be productive years ago. In modern times, it is crucial for SEO strategists to understand and adapt the latest methods very quickly. The best techniques to go with SEO is to keep yourself updated with the modern trends and implement them to get results and leave those SEO techniques that no more work in the year 2016.
