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Tools To Track The Visitors And Their Activities Visiting Your Website



track the visitors and their activities

Nowadays People regularly looking online website services. They mostly know more about your website before hiring your services or stepping into your web store. It’s a two-way route, though. Monitoring a website means that you can know as much about your customers as they can know about you. Real-time visitor tracking tools have come up ever since 2007 or so, and now there are many choices available in the live website tracking to track the visitors and their activities.


Website Monitoring Tools To Track The Visitors And Their Activities

Let’s have a look at some of the best paid and free tools available to track visitors and their activities on your website, which can help you to monitor what’s going on your website. What targets audience are visiting your website service or products, and which pages of your website are being visited mostly.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the most popular free tools that track the visitors and their activities on your website and also provide complete analytics of your website. Not only Google Analytics is free of cost, but it’s also very easy to install without the assistance of a developer.

Google Analytics offers amazing website monitoring services as mentioned below:

  • It able you to track how many people are visiting your website each day?
  • From what channels traffic is coming from, (SEO, Paid, Direct, Referral).
  • How many pages visitors are exploring per visit?
  • The average time people spend on your website.
  • Which regarding page people are entering your website from?
  • Which pages of your website are getting the most traffic. is a free all-in-one IT based cloud solution monitoring tool that will track the visitors and their activities on your site after every five minutes. It provides the best experience for the visitors and offers a wide-range of website monitoring options, which are available in a single dashboard. This tool provides features that you may not expect to get from a free monitoring tool, making it easy to anticipate issues before they happen and you can solve them easily if they do appear. Following are the features of

  • Server health: It enables the user to detect traffic before they arise.
  • Website uptime: It provides facility to Track response time, uptime and performance from multiple locations worldwide.
  • Network performance: by this tool, you can receive notifications of any failures and can monitor multi-site networks.
  • Custom metrics: It will Customize to your unique monitoring needs.

Since the tool is cloud-based, there’s no need to download any external software or to buy hardware.


Site24x7 is one of the most powerful tools that provides, network, website, application and server monitoring. Site24×7 provides real user monitoring to give user feedback.

By using Site24x7, you will be able to:

  • Monitor web applications using a real browser
  • Monitor Internet services
  • Test resources behind your firewall
  • Analyze CPU usage, memory, disc processes
  • Receive instant alerts during downtime
  • Download reports you can share with your service provider
  • Analyze people load times of various components on your site

Site24x7 also give mobile access to the users so that users can monitor their application or the website from anywhere. One benefit Site24x7 has is that it is has a variety of languages, including Dutch, Chinese, Finnish, French, English, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Swedish and Japanese, making it ideal for users all across the globe. Its cheapest plan includes (5 monitors, 1-minute monitoring intervals, and 20 SMS credits). Whether the premium mode includes, (unlimited months of logs, 50 monitors, multi-user access, 1-minute monitoring intervals, and 350 SMS credits). is a website monitoring service, which offers wide-ranging testing tools. It has Simple multi-protocol monitoring that can help users to track the visitors and their activities on the personal website, file server or local network. It also can warn the clients if their SSL certificate or domain is about to expire, also acknowledge the client if the site has been listed in DNS blacklists due to any reason.

It provides following instant alert for the developers and clients about:

  • basic error diagnostic, statistics collection and reporting
  • response time monitoring
  • content check and monitoring of server parameters,
  • database monitoring
  • API, bulk operations with hundreds of monitored sites
  • maintenance scheduling

And a variety of several other features, which are performed to improve and monitor the performance of the site, by helping to detect and fix the problems rapidly.’s Notification methods include SMS, email, Skype, voice call, Hangouts, and HTTP post request. provides a free trial period of 30-days and permanent Free package. It’s Premium plan start from $5 with the ability of (5 sites monitoring, in 10 min interval) to $99 (150 sites monitoring, in 1 min interval) per month plus the cost for SMS notifications will charge some extra credit.


These are a few of the best tool that can help you in tracking your daily visitor. If this article proves to be useful for you, then do let us know in the comment section below.




