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6 SEO Tips For Images To Get Extra Traffic from Search Engines



Images Search Engine Optimization

Today there are thousands of webmasters and blogger who are struggling to get more and more traffic on their website. Most of the bloggers optimize their website content. They research well before writing a keyword rich content. So, that they can get better search engine ranking. But they don’t pay any attention to seo for images. I want to tell all those blogger and webmasters who are not using images with content that Google image search even yahoo and bing image search is widely used by normal internet surfers to graphic designers for finding reference photos, images and icons.

seo tips for images

Benefits of Using Images

1.  Images give additional traffic to your website.

2. You can easily get top position in Google image search.

3.  An image makes your blog post attractive and catches the reader’s attention thus he stay more on your website.

Before uploading the images you must optimize images with your targeted keywords because search engine bots can’t see images. Your image will be useless if it is not tagged


Below are some seo tips for images which you must follow to get top position in image search.

SEO tips for images

1. Well Explained Image name

Before uploading the images rename them. Never name your images as 123.jpg or Images(01).jpg. Instead describe your targeted keywords within image name. The images I have uploaded with this article are named as “seo tips for images” and “how to optimize images”. You can see that I have covered my keywords within image name. Don’t add full phrases in image name. Keep the words limit to 4.

2. Add proper alt tag and title tag

Alt and title are the HTML attribute of image tag which gives information of the image to search engine bots. So that they can place the image in right place. Add descriptive text in your alt tag. Keep the length short and to the point

3. Image size

This is a very important factor while using images you must take care about the size of the image because it will surely affect the load time of your website thus provide a bad user experience. SO, use an average size of image with article.

4. Use relevant images

You must keep relevancy between images and text. Because a tech blog is different than a celebrity blog. Don’t Spam the web with useless pictures. Also it is not good for the reputation of one’s website. One or two relevant images are enough with an article.


5. Give Image Credits

Always give credit to the hard work of designer or owner of the image. Because if the owner claims of his image in the future and he wants you to remove that image and that image is on a good position in image search then it will be a great loss.

You may be thinking of that how he (owner) will find out that you are using his images without his permission. I want to tell you that he can find his image by Reverse image search with Google you can read more about it here

if you neither want to take permission nor give credit to anyone than I will suggest you to use free stock images. Free stock images don’t have any copyright restriction

6- Add Simple Description

Keep Description short in alt and title tags. Don’t stuff these tags with keywords. Two to three keywords are best and will serve the purpose.



These are some simple, practical and effective tips for image optimization which can definitely increase your both website traffic and ranking

What’s next?

Liked these tips? then stay tuned. In my upcoming article I will reveal some untold image optimizing tips specially for photo bloggers.                                                             
