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Tips To Kick Your Site’s Page Rank Up a Few Levels



High Google Page RankGoogle is just about the most powerful search engine in existence and why not? Eighty percent of the traffic generated online comes from Google which makes it hard to imagine life with a different search engine.

Website owners and Bloggers, however, have a more involved relationship than average web users do with Google because it ranks their websites.

Getting your website ranked well within Google involves a lot of different things but the main factor is the current rank of your page. Raising the rank of your website won’t just help you sit well with Google it will give you consistent rankings for traffic.

Avoid Random Link Exchanges

A main factor that can affect the page rank of your website and how high it goes is how many low quality backlinks you attract which can cause Google to downgrade your site and make it even harder for you to get ranked. This is the reason that you need to avoid participating in random link exchanges with other webmasters whose only goal is the raising up of their own sites too. High quality one way backlinks will be a lot better for you than link exchanges so focus on those first.

Improve Your Internal Link Structure

If you run a content based website and have a lot of articles, be sure to interlink them as often as you possibly can. Building your own strong internal linking structure is one of the first steps that you can take if you want to impress Google and offer your readers an easier way to navigate your website. For example, let’s pretend that you run a blog about “Yoga” and have hundreds of posts about this topics, wouldn’t you think that internal links would help your readers.

Absolutely! Google finds blogs with internal linking structures more valuable than those that don’t so attempt to improve the internal links on your site.


Learn Basic SEO

It’s okay if you have no SEO experience. If you want to raise your site’s page ranking, though, you need to learn at least some basic SEO. It is important to acknowledge that SEO is more than just acquiring a few backlinks, there is more to the process that is important. A great thing about SEO is that it can be learned on the fly and applied immediately and that means that you can see exactly how each thing works and the kind of results it gets as you work to build your site and business. Getting a higher page ranking for your website is centered on your ability to appeal to “the big G” and if you can do that your website will be better off for it.

All of the tips explored in this article is worth looking at because what matters most if you want to increase your page rank is taking action on several fronts, not just one. You should make sure that you’ve put several factors in place before you can hope to see any real changes in the ranking of your website pages. There is so much that you can do just by using the things you’ve learned here to raise your page rank.