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Talkoclock – Free Voice-Based Social Alarm Service [Review]



Do you normally forgot your important official meetings or plan with friends? or something else in the busy life now a days. Even the diary notice and outlook reminders doesn’t work well for you, So what to do rather than cursing life?

Simple, Hire a secretary which will not only keep a record of your appointments but also give you a reminder call where ever you are and whenever you want, I know this sounds a bit ‘costly’  but what if there is a secretary for free?

Social Alarm Service

Yes, I am not joking now it’s possible with Talkoclock the new social service which provides all the above facilities whether it’s a wake-up call or reminding about something, you’ll get a call exactly at the time you had appointed for.

Talkoclock is afree of cost voice-based social alarm service platform available globally from any place in the world. It is social networking, but with real voice instead of text. Users make a request, set their goal and get calls from other users on the specified time they have opted for, and if you want to do the same you can also call any person through Talkoclock system and remind him/her about there mentioned task.

Talkoclock also ensure your privacy and hence your phone number is not viewed or can be accessed by the caller as he/she will be calling through the Talkoclock system.


You’ll definitely find it interesting once you use it and if you want to know that how, then we have got a ‘how it works’ video for you. Watch it and use Talkoclock and do share your experience with us.