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KickStarter Success Tips For Artists & Architects



Aiming to raise funds for a 3D design project? You can go conventional; make a pitch to officials, apply for a grant, try lotto – or, you can give try to KickStarter, an exciting crowdfunding endeavor that helps creative people to collect funds for their work.

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Kickstarter is stated to host and fund more art-based projects than the National Endowment for the Arts. According to the latest stats available, KickStarter funded $323.6 million of such projects in 2012 including design and video projects, while NEA had a federal approximate $146% million, 80% of which was applied towards grants.

The platform has also been transformative for architecture-based projects. James Ramsey and design partner Dan Barasch raised funds for a full model of a park made on a rail trestle. One of the architects said that KickStarter connects them with people who actually care about these projects.

kickstarter projects lists

But it’s easier said than done; running a successful KickStarter campaign requires a mixture of strategies, and undertaking of several measures, a few of which are outlined:

Something worthy of backing

For any artistic or architectural venture, the key to success will be creating a product that people would want to back. Artist Rebecca Phillips created a campaign for a Front Porch Artist project and raised the funding goal within 2 weeks.


Because her project was related to preservation of Memphis history, it appealed to emotions. The tip of the iceberg is that people enjoy supporting something that matters or provides value.

kickstarter funded projects

Feedback from backers

kickstarter facts

One of the prime reasons behind unsuccessful KickStarter projects is that the final product fails to meet the expectations of backers. Effective feedback in this case can be used to make changes and stay in line with anticipation before final launch. Spark Core utilized feedback from backers by making a community site where they invited people to leave thoughts and opinions on the final product, and they were able to make several changes based on this alone.

Artists and architectures can use social media, community sites etc. to gather feedback. Additionally, the final creation can also be revised and later presented to backers in real-time. The drawing management software at depicts that architects can utilize advanced software solutions to quickly view drawings and make revisions at any endpoint. Such software tools can be used to make quick changes to a KickStarter project, and the revised project can then be shared with backers for anticipation assurance.


A concept video

When you’re in for a commercial – do everything you can to make it good, as it can be the most important essential in a successful campaign. A good video not only provides project insight to backers, but also serves as a temptation to those willing to shell out money.


kickstarter video mode

In fact, backers first gravitate towards the product video because it visually displays what they are going to invest in. Be original and enthusiastic about the product to get people pumped and resonate with what you have to offer.


A buzz with rewards and support

You build it and they will come, not on KickStarter. You’ll need to get support before launch: close peers, family, social connections etc. to talk up the campaign. Artists and architectures can contact relevant websites and blogs to feature the project. Social media ads can also play a significant role.

kickstarter featured projects

And to gain more exposure, you can offer rewards such as retail value sketch sales or discounted building space to backers. The rewards can also be held back for higher pledges.

Equipped with more KickStarter success tips? Feel free to share them in the comments section below.
