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Social Bookmarking for Improving Website Traffic



social bookmarkingGetting to the top of Search Engine Results Page (SERP) is every website master’s dream. Everyday seems to be a constant battle for that first page result at Google, Yahoo or Bing. With a plethora of SEO techniques, you have to place your chips with those that have a better return on investment. This might not be a problem for big websites with their armies of SEO specialists. But for most of us with only a single laptop to rely on, then every second we spend in front of the computer should count.

Constantly researching and writing new content for your blogs takes a great majority of the time spent working on our site each day. This leaves us with so little time to create backlinks or monitor our website’s numbers. So if you’re planning to have a social life then making the most out of your working time makes you more productive.

Efficiency is the name of the game and when you’re trying to juggle your time between work, family and your blog then sticking to proven SEO techniques is your best bet. So before you go indulge into Social Bookmarking let us first understand what it is and what benefits does it bring to the table.

Social bookmarking sites are places where you could share your content or posts. You get more views by building up your friend’s list. A bigger list means more people could see your content. This makes it possible for people on their friend’s list as well to see your content. The bigger your friend’s list, the more visible your content becomes.

Another variation of how social bookmarking works is by having people discover your content. This is generally how StumbleUpon works. The first step requires you to register a free account and asked your interests. After doing this you could now start your journey of “discovery.” You have to install the StumbleUpon toolbar for that.

Read: Can You Get Targeted Traffic from StumbleUpon?
There are thousands of social bookmarking sites but practicality dictates that submitting them to the top sites does not only save you time but offers the best results for your efforts. Once you bookmark a page on your website for example it allows other people to view it and share it with other readers.


Read: Top 3 All-in-One Social Bookmarking and Submission Services

Social bookmarking in its simplest term simply means creating a bookmark on another website. If you want to create fresh traffic for your blog for example, you could submit it to these social bookmarking sites that opens you the thousands of readers who visit these each day. Social bookmarking is a great way of increasing your website traffic if done right. It may take some time before any improvements are seen but once you get started it could provide you with a steady stream of traffic.