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Daily SEO Rank Checker – A Free SEO Companion For All [Review]



As a webmaster or a blogger, you must know how important it is to keep your site up on search engines so you can get the traffic and readers right from the search engine result pages.

If you have a site with wide range of topics then it’s a little difficult job to create a list of specific keywords and optimize your site and it’s content accordingly. But what if your site or blog has a very specific niche and restrcicted or few targeted keywords? In that case it’s not an easy job to keep the site alive in the indexes of search engines and to keep that traffic coming. Because of the rapidly increasing competition on the web, you have to make sure that your keywords are ranked at good spots in SERPs. For news based blogs where the content is updated rapidly you might need to keep a close eye on keywords rankings on almost daily basis.

There are dozens of popular tools online that help you keep track of your targeted keywords and their rankings in daily-changing search engine preferences but to keep yourself updated you need to do the monitoring stuff manually but with Daily SEO Rank Checker, it’s not that hard anymore.

Daily SEO Rank Checker is the perfect tool that keep tracks of your targeted keywords and shows you the results instantly. You can keep track of your competitors and see how good or bad their keywords are doing and getting the traffic that you can get as well.

Daily SEO Rank Checker



Daily SEO Rank Checker brings the results of keywords rankings from Google and Bing search engines. The most interesting thing that makes this tools stand out is the email alerts whenever your keywords change rankings. It’s a totally free tool to use and with free version to can generate a report of 5 keywords. And if you register yourself (which is free too), you can get more benefits and advanced features.

Daily SEO Rank Checker Report

On the reports section, you can add your competitors domains to see how they are performing on specific keywords comparing to your site. You can set the custom alerts at the reports screen to send yourself alerts whenever any of the site loses or gains the keywords rankings.

Daily SEO Rank Checker is highly recommended for webmasters of all levels who are really serious to know how keywords optimization can change the amount of traffic to their sites. A free to use tool for all to attaining the competitive SEO edge.

[This was a sponsored review]
