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Right Images Attract More Readers to Your Blog



Right images attract more readersBlogging is not essentially linked with images. You can blog just as comfortably without using a single image in your blog. However, considering the fact, that people are more attracted towards visually appealing things, you need to consider the power of the right images for your blog.

After all, they can be just as effective and essential to attracting more readerships, as the perfect blog design and style elements. You do not compromise with these, so why take a chance with not using images.

How to identify the right images for you blog and specifically for each relevant posts, can get tricky. Start with the first step and progress gradually to tackle the issue effectively.

What you need your blog images to do for your blog: Understanding the purpose of using the images, can help you categorize your images faster. This way, you would know upfront the type and particular message that the image needs to portray. It will make searching for the images much easier and you will not fumble with choices before making the right selection.

  • You want to use them simply to grab reader attention.
  • You want to make your content more interesting for your readers or in some cases easier for them to follow.
  • You want your picture to convey a certain message or communicate about you topic more effectively.
  • You are using your blog post images as one of your SEO tactics and want to increase your blog’s page rank via the images’ potential.

Categorize your images in a broad spectrum

If you lose yourself in myriad categories and sub categories, you will just keep adding to your confusion. In a broad spectrum, images are either content related or design related. Content related images are part of the discussion/story/information that you want to convey through your posts. We use a lot of content related images for posts on our discount coupon blog that features jupiter images and istockphoto discount deals.

Here, the image is as much a part of your content as the words. Design related images are meant to enhance the overall look of the blog. These images are mostly placed on the header, sidebar or as a part of an ongoing slideshow on your blog to add to the aesthetic appeal.

Free images vs. paid images

The debate between free and paid is probably an age long topic started at the inception of paid processes. When you select images for your blog, do not get bogged down by this issue. The selection process should depend on the need of the type of image. However, your budget does play a large part in creating every aspect of your blog.


Clearly, image posting will also be affected. Resources for free images on the internet are not very hard to find. However, you should have a basic understanding of image licenses (you can sometimes use copyrighted images, with permission and mentioning source credit).

Ways in which your images work to attract readers

The images are much more visually appealing than simple words, regardless of how intrinsically or beautifully you string your words in the post. However, pairing the correct image to compliment the content is a necessary requisite for attracting reader attention. Your image can be a foil to describe a stretched metaphor or a too long analogy, in simpler terms (with minimum words).

Using images skillfully can help you to evoke certain emotions in your readers (to a remarkable extent!). You can surprise them, make them wonder what it is about or even relate to the niche in some terms, just with the power of the right image posting. For, content sans any images, all the above-mentioned criteria need to be fulfilled by a headline with a punch. However, the right image can be used to perfectly compliment a headline and make the combination much more effective.

Sometimes, you do not have to try that hard to catch readers’ attention. Simple things or small gestures that make them feel good, smile or stop to admire can be enough. While words, when used correctly can probably achieve one or two of these requirements at a time, the right image with the right words can probably achieve all this and more for your blog.

In conclusion, images within your blog posts are a surprisingly powerful tool that can help you enhance your blog’s design principles, aesthetics, information, and marketing strategies to create a significant outcome. Use it wisely and definitely use it!
