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Monitor The Performance And Uptime Of Your Website With Dotcom-monitor



dotcom monitor website monitoring service

As a webmaster, to make your website work for you in an efficient manner, you need to ensure that your servers are fully operational. There are certain terms like software lockups, hardware failures, databases, hackers, viruses, worms, service patches, and Internet connectivity that play a critical role in your online success. So you need a service which could monitor all of these.

Dotcom monitor is that reliable website monitoring services that have introduced the world to breakthrough 1-minute monitoring, image match transaction monitoring and IPv6 monitoring.

As web monitoring is particularly important for improving an online business. It is essential to know whether users, visiting a client’s website, experience guaranteed server uptime or not. This includes easy and timely accessibility to the site no matter which part of the globe they came from.

dotcom monitor website monitoring service

Dotcom monitor asserts to satisfy every web-monitoring related need of their customers in extremely professional ways. They offer a wide array of services and packages suitable for different businesses like Web application monitoring, Website monitoring, Voip-sip monitoring, DNS service monitoring, FTP service monitoring and much more.

Dotcom monitor also some thing additional known as “agents”, functioning as internet browsers around the globe, to check and monitor client’s websites to ensure they are working fine and are user friendly. The outstanding web application performance monitoring, offered by the company, helps the website owners keep an eye on web apps. In case, an issue is encountered at any point, the web owners are informed instantly. They can then set the frequency with which they want their web to be monitored at.


Moreover, to make things even easier, the reporting tools of the Dotcom-monitor gives a thorough analysis report to clients including the root cause of anomalies, in a timely manner.

Even if you are still hesitant to buy this service you can have the trial version for free and that too for 30 days and check the exciting features yourself. See for more details.