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How to Make More Money Through Smart Ads With Infolinks



Maximizing the profits might be a universal goal of most website owners. Yet there will not always be enough space to put ads. How to place ads more efficiently without removing the original ones? Well, you may need to update your concept about ads: being a famous website monetizing platform, Infolinks has its own and unique way to display ads and has no conflict with many other advertising services like Google AdSense etc. In addition, Infolinks works with JavaScript and several major blogging tools.


How to Make More Money on Your Website with Infolinks

Since you have never registered on this site before, click ‘Get it now’ on Infolinks homepage to join it. Type a valid URL of the website you want to monetize and your personal information to complete the registration – of course, signing up with Facebook is recommended.


Soon there will be a notification showing that you have successfully created an account.

To integrate the ads from Infolinks, click the corresponding icon of your website platform (WordPress, Blogger, Drupal & Joomla) and follow the instructions. If you use JavaScript, for instance, simply copy the source code and paste it on your website.


A new application must be verified by Infolinks staff first to ensure its validity.



You will get a reply in 48 hours. During this time, you can access the Publisher Center to manage account and customize the ads.


The Infolinks’ ads on your site can be seen immediately after your request is accepted. Another source of income starts here!

Now, it is necessary to have a look of the four Infolinks ad units:



This mode uses the blank spaces on either side of the webpage on your computer screen to display huge, infographic banner ads that will change along with the post you are reading.

By auto-detection, InFrame ads can adapt the screen size and unused areas to show information more accurately without harassing you while you are reading.




When you come to the website through search results, InSearch ads will appear floatingly at the bottom of your browser and the ad content will be closely related with your search keywords.

Since the ads will hide automatically soon after it appears, Visitors need not close them manually at all.



By scanning relevant information in the post you are reading, several ad keywords are generated specially to cater to the readers’ needs and are showed among the paragraphs. Visitors may both intentionally and accidentally move the cursor on to one of them and a larger info box called tag cloud is activated. Of course, it can be closed as well if you want.



There will be no problem about too much space occupation because InText is entirely based on text! A valuable keyword in any sentence of an article will be strikingly highlighted and double underlined as an ad in a particular form. The ads will pop up only when you ‘touch’ the blued keywords by mouse. Furthermore, you can change the ads appearance and volume according to your needs.

Additional notices for advertisers

If you are a businessperson instead of a website operator, Infolinks can also benefit you. This ad platform practices comprehensive and real-time analysis of website content, text and user tendency that will be greatly helpful to the wide spread of your advertisements.


Click ‘advertisers’ on the website of Infolinks and you will be led to the registration page.

There are two advertising modes – click ‘Create a Campaign’ to deploy the ads yourself or contact the site for a larger budget ($10,000+).


Enter your name, email address and website URL (if you have any) and select to join the monthly campaign budget or other plan with fixed prices.


After clicking ‘Submit’, you will be told that a representative from Infolinks will contact you via email soon. Follow the instructions sent to you carefully to carry out the steps to advertise.


One important thing you should know is that we, at tipsOtricks have been successfully earning a handsome amount for over 3 years. We recently integrate more smart ads in inner page which doesn’t effect the overall look and reading experience of the reader.


So, do you want to make money like us ?

Visit Infolinks to start profiting now or view a demo for publishers to learn its features in detail.