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What Would You Hate Facebook For?



why I hate facebook

Facebook is an eighth wonder literally. Yeah, you can find people irrespective of age, sex, religion, caste. You can use facebook for almost everything; be it advertising or promoting, dating or lifelong affair, business or studies, chatting or hanging out we can now do anything with facebook.

Facebook is more loyal than a dog, closer than our other half but still we hate certain things in facebook. What are they? The things I hate are the following and I am sure that I am not alone here.

Don’t poke, it hurts:

Even after years of being a facebook user I still wonder for what purpose does this poke option created? I do accept when you want to get attention of someone you poke them.

But once you poke them and they poke you back the game ends there you have got that persons attention now all you got to do is to message them or chat with them. Instead what I see generally in my profile is a poking war; u poke, I poke. This goes on and on, until someone forgets to poke or someone breaks the ice.

This may be fun for a bunch of teenagers but not certainly for people with business or advertising motives and even for other adults.


Tricky Tags:

One feature I love and hate about facebook is tagging. I love when people tag me in photos related to me or in posts and comments that need my opinion. Tags are very essential; it is something similar to calling a person by their name in real life.

But what my dear facebook friends do is they click some pictures and tag me unnecessarily. Let me quote an example, a so-called friend of mine in facebook has a weird habit of taking snaps with her boyfriends, posting in her profile and tagging all her friends.

If they really want to get attention, let them create a page about their love affair or post it in Google but why tagging me and spoiling my facebook profile.

Ghostly Groups:

Facebook has the most convenient yet most silly option of adding people in a group without the concerned person’s permission. Isn’t this too weird? After a few days of vacation I was perplexed to see lot of notifications from some unknown groups. Then I realized I was added in those groups by my friends and whatever happens in that group that is informed to me as notifications (or should I say populating my wall).

The height of stupidity with adding people to groups is that I was once added to a group where I couldn’t even understand in what language the group’s name is written. I had to use google transliterate to find what the group is about and primarily what language the group members are using.


It’s my wall not yours:

I always want everything to be neat and clean, for persons like me facebook is surely a misfortune. I get annoyed when I see some irrelevant photos or posts in my wall. Yeah, facebook allows you to block writing others from writing on your wall, but that is not the right option.

I do have certain people who share valuable information on my wall. Selecting whom to allow whom to block is the most tedious job I have ever done. Above all I must do this job every time I add a new friend (that too after knowing the person’s behavior and posts).

Farmville and Cityville – please stop haunting me:

85% of people in my friend list (including people far elder to me) play this game. I am not complaining here, it is your wish so you play. But please don’t flood me with requests.

If I were interested I would have joined and played myself and that would have been shown in your list as “so and so is using Farmville”. When this is not shown then that means we aren’t interested in the game. No one seems to understand this; I get about 10-20 notifications only due to this Farmville and Cityville stuff.

I can’t blame the users totally, facebook is the main perpetrator, it asks users to invite friends every now and then in any sort of game.


These are the top 5 reasons I hate facebook for. Do you support? Oppose? Or have other reasons? Let’s discuss in comments.

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