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Get Webroot SpySweeper 2011 with 6 Months FREE License



Nowadays personal computers are often used as a communication device and a way to get the latest news and entertainment, which requires connecting to the Internet. And if your computer is accessing the Internet, you and it are at risk. So why not protect your computer, your personal information and your online habits with the best anti-spyware software available, Spy Sweeper.

Rated # 1 Anti-Spyware for the past 2 years – Spyware Sweeper has the best real time protection of all anti spyware software. Spyware is continuously evolving, Spy Sweeper not only constantly evolves to be able to combat newly developed spyware but it is also effectively removes. It has the ability to run undetected by most malicious programs, so spyware doesn’t even get the chance to try to work around Spy Sweeper before it is already quarantined and eliminated.

spy sweeper 6 screenshot
Spy Sweeper is extremely simple to use and the interface is well organized. It has easy to understand icons and convenient tabs for all major functions. This anti-spyware program does not require complex configuring; it offers powerful and well thought out recommended settings as well as the choice of custom configuring. It also has automatic alerts, so you always know when it is time to update. The silent real time scan is so effective and impressive that you won’t notice any jumps in CPU usage scale while it’s scanning incoming files through web.

GREAT NEWS is that webroot is giving away this wonderful anti spyware absolutely FREE for 6 months to everyone.

You can enjoy full featured spy sweeper in this time period and I’m sure you’d love it. It works without any conflicts with your existing anti-virus software already installed in your system. However It is recommended to turn off your spyware protection in case you have an all in one internet security protection suite so that you can enjoy the full performance of Spy Sweeper.

Remember this is a limited FREE trial offered by Webroot to make sure you (and more importantly your computer) are spyware free. No billing info, email or credit card necessary.

Just Click here to start downloading Spy Sweeper

[6 months FREE trial setup]

Note: The link will stop working as soon as the promotion is stopped by Webroot Inc. If you think link is expired or not working for you, let us know.