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QSM – Solution For Your Software Project Management [Review]



QSM Estimate Express

If are looking forward to create a software project and have no idea about the management, i.e  estimation of cost or of time or both? What you should do apart from scratching getting wrinkles on your face?  The simple answer  to this is to switch to QSM and get all your estimation worries resolved.

QSM is one of the pioneers in the software estimation field and has been serving as a software project management solution provider for over 3 decades for their clients causing their client’s business to mature further, With a number of tools known as “Slim Suite tools” QSM ensures you the best time and cost management causing all your worries to disappear.

QSM also provides training modules in order to enable the skills of project management in there clients and the graphical feedback of the clients which went through these courses can be seen on the website’s training tab.

QSM Estimate Express

Apart from all this QSM also provides consultants to offer you there expertise opinion and help you in making accurate and cost-effective decision for you and your company. Moreover QSM also provides “public access resources” in the resources tab along with some additional resources for the clients the “code counter “and “function point table” are the handy tools which can be helpful for software time and cost estimation where as there is also an article page where you can learn more about software process improvement, software trends and the latest research from QSM database of over 10,000 projects.

And if that’s not all for you, you can still have an online demo of QSM by visiting the site and get fascinated by the features and the perfection of QSM and I’m sure that you will be forced to try it and if you do you’ll definitely love it.


So, visit and say NO to your software project management worries now!

[This is a sponsored review]