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Fences: Easiest Way to Manage Scattered Icons on Your Desktop



If you’re one of those users who like to save and keep their most used files, documents or programs on your desktop then must know how hard it gets sometimes to manage these scattered files on a small desktop just for the sake of quick launch accessibility.

Offcourse creating temp folders on desktop and arranging these scattered files in those folders just to manage the desktop and make it look more cleaners is not the only solution. But with Fences you don’t have to worry about managing the population of icons on your desktop anymore.

Fences Screenshot

Fences is a tiny but extremely useful application that helps you arranging the icons in categories without creating folders. It’s a freeware which actually hides your icons when they are not in use. It allows you to create shaded areas on your desktop that you can place icons in. You can label them however you wish, and move/resize them anywhere on the desktop.

These shaded areas or ‘fences’ on your desktop are simply sizable containers for your icons which are movable. Just Double click blank spaces on your desktop and all your fences will fade out, and come back.

Watch the video to see how it works:


You can customize the color and opacity of your fences through the options. Fences works on all Windows versions and it’s very low on system resources and integrates tightly and cleanly with OS.

Download Fences