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Hosting Tips for SEO Activities in Your Website



As an owner of website, you need to have all the knowledge related to web hosting and using all the resources provided by the web hosting company. One most important thing, which you should get indulged in, is SEO. Effective methods in SEO implemented in right manner will always work in your favor to get more traffic to your website and increasing ranking of your website. As an Internet user, you should know the importance of search engines and when you take initial steps to get involved in SEO practices it will enhance the overall ranking of your website and will bring additional visitors to your website resulting in more sales and more revenue generation.

Although effective SEO was meant for title tags and keyword frequency with changing, technology parameters of SEO have also been changed. Now SEO has a wide conceptual attributes which has to be looked in good hosting company which will support all the practices and tools required for regular SEO practices if your website.

1. Using My SQL/Apache/PHP and Linux

For large variety of reasons and in concern with the SEO practices using Linux based hosting servers is the best option. Please leave behind the windows servers of you are looking to get access to all the SEO tools.

2. Getting Unique IP

As some shared web hosting companies will not allow you to have a unique IP address make sure that you will be getting unique IP address from your web hosting company. Most of the times sharing web hosting will land your website on the server where there are tons of porn, gambling and banned or monetized websites sharing server space with you so the best thing is getting your own and unique IP address which will put all the bad neighborhood worries aside.

3. Go for Yearly Subscription

Most of the illegal SEO professionals use the services for a month, as they never expect to last long. Gets the web hosting companies, which have valid contracts and keeps spammers and illegal SEO’s away from their hosting environment.


4. Verify the Hosting company

Best way to verify the host is to call them on the provided phone line, as there are many spammers, which will create web-hosting sites for a month and will flee away with all the money.

5. Look for Mod-rewrite and htaccess

As search engines like Google has not yet developed a method to eliminate all the duplicate content due to domains starting with www and non-www. Therefore, look for the host that provides Mod-Rewrite and Htaccess

6. Look for the Uptime

Since your SEO, activities need your website to be up and running all the time, even a slight downtime will hamper all your SEO tactics and search engine rankings. Therefore, it is better to look for the host that has the best uptime.