Download Windows Seven (7) Transformation Pack for XP/Vista (Released: Nov 29, 2009)
Windows 7 Transformation Pack aka “Seven Transformation Pack” will transform your entire user interface, including a 7-themed Boot Screen, Welcome Screen, and Visual Style, as well as new icons, wallpapers, and more.
The latest version is 4.0 released on Nov 29th, 2009.
Seven Transformation Pack will replace many of the resources in Windows XP/Vista/Windows Server 2003. It can change such things as:
- Boot screen
- Welcome Screen / Logon Screen
- New msstyles files (visual styles)
- New desktop and file icons
- New toolbar icons
- Progress Dialogs
- Sounds scheme
- System Tray icons
- New Wallpapers
- Some Windows 7’s popular features
- And much more
Download Windows 7 Transformation Pack for Windows XP/Vista
Updated: Nov 29, 2009
[filesize: 26.44 MB]
[Source/Author: Windows X]
Check out another Windows 7 Transformation Pack for XP & Vista