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Best 3 Navigational Menu Builders for Your Site



For a web designer it has a lot of significance that how his/her website should look. And for this one tries to presents the best look for his/her site. Lot of elements are included, for example, Java scripts, Image sliders, awesome graphics. But above all this Main menu or navigation menu of a website has a lot of significance.

Every web designer tries to add a good looking and multi-functional navigational menu. To create such nice looking and multi-functional you require a good Menu builder application. Now a days DHTML menus are very common. So you require a good DHTML menu builder. But the problem is that how to choose a good and Menu Builder to make professional looking menus.

So here are some guidelines and recommended Menu Builders.

Sothink DHTML Menu Builder


Sothink DHTML Menu Builder is one of the most widely used Menu builder having a lot of features.

  • Sothink DHTML Menu Builder is Easy to simply work on Java scripting. If you have basic knowledge about HTML then it is very easy for you to use Sothink DHTML Menu Builder.
  • It has a good collection of Pre Built menus. Just Go and Edit Your links and  Your menu is Ready!
  • Menus are available in two types i.e Horizontal and Vertical.
  • It also allows you to build Calendars for your web site.

Latest Available Version is DHTML Menu V9.6

Click here for further details and Demos

Deluxe DHTML Menus Builder


Deluxe DHTML Menus Builder is another menu builder widely used by web designers coming up with many features.
  • Deluxe DHTML Menus Builder also works on Java Scripts, easy to use for those who know HTML.
  • Deluxe DHTML Menus Builder comes up with a very nice collection of Professionally Looking ready made menus. Which Just require links editing.
  • Deluxe DHTML Menus Builder also supports both types of menus i.e Horizontal and Vertical.
  • Deluxe DHTML Menus Builder has an extra advantage over Sothink DHTML Menu Builder thatit  also offers Tree menus and pop up Window.
Latest Available Version is Deluxe Menus. v3.15

Linko All Web Menus

Another Menu builder with a lot of features. Used on a large scale by web masters.

  • Linko All Web Menus comes up a offers variety of menus, easy to use and supports all the major browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, IE, Safari and others.
  • Both Horizontal and vertical Menus are available. Also a cool feature is that it also offer you to build floating menus. Which will float along the web page.
  • Menus are completely compatible with WordPress , Drupal , Joomla and other Scripts.

Latest Available Version is All Web Menus PRO v5.3.844

Click here for further details and Demos
