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3 Simple But Cool JavaScripts for Your Website/Blog



Almost every webmaster loves to spice up the appearance, the look n feel of his/her website. This is usually done by the usage of some cool javascripts effects. Beside the unique content, looks also count. Infact the more attractive the site looks the more chances of visitors coming back to visit and read. There are literally thousands of these cool-effects-creating javascripts available. But I’m mentioning 3, very useful of them. Hope you’ll find these helping in enhancing the looks of your website.

1. ImageFlow – Create Stylish Image Galleries

A very cool image gallery tool for your website. Works perfectly in all types of website, blogs and web browsers. When  installed, visitors will be able to scroll through the image gallery through a scroll bar or by means of the mouse wheel.

Demo |       Download

2. SearchField – Search Smartly with Suggestions

A simple but powerful searching tool which allows you to perform search with suggestions. You need to add keywords before you install the search box. When visitors perform search it automatically matches the preset keywords with the searched term in real time.

Demo |      Download


3. GreyBox – View External Links in PopUps

This is a very cool script that lets you to open external links  in a pop-up window inside your website without opening a new browser window. It’s a perfect tool if your website has got multiple external links  and you do not want visitors to navigate away from your website. Works on all types of browsers.

Demo |    Download
