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Top Android Apps That will Rock In Year 2013



Top Android Apps of 2013

Android is now the most popular Mobile OS globally, which most smartphones using Android, You have to have those super-wanted and super-required Apps on your Phone rather than skimming through hundreds of thousands of apps, I get you below Some of the Top Android Apps of 2013 that will continue to Rock this year.

Top Android Apps of 2013

1. Avast-Mobile Security

Avast has a intelligent Anti-virus UI for running scans as well as scheduling them, data is most valuable in today’s era,  you can remotely wipe and lock data with Avast, a built-in Web Browser keeps you secure and a battery manager tells you what is using your resources.

Top Android Apps of 2013

2. Maluuba

This is your entry to iOS features, this Siri not only allows you to Text, call, check directions with google maps, check current events going on, best places to watch movie or even eat-out.
Top Android Apps of 2013

 3. Maxthon-Internet Browser

We have seen very good improvements in Android browsers but some third-party App developers have done a commendable job, Maxthon is also a emerging browser with rapid tab openers, rapid switching, less-burden on hardware.

Top Android Apps 2013

4. History Eraser Pro

This App contributes to your privacy, within a few taps, you are able to wipe off history from your pending messages, Mails, Google Maps, browser history and even Clipboard, at times when you lend your phone to some of office colleagues  or so, this can be a relief to save your privacy.

Top Android Apps of 2013

 5. Swype Beta

Swype beta is a innovative finger-swipe capable keyboard which not only learns your typing patterns but also has a voice engine to give you voice-to-text input, Swype makes up words for you, if you get used to this format of keyboard, typing will never again be a hassle for you.
Top Android Apps of 2013

6. Flipboard

Opening many Social Media networks separately and keeping them updated as well as keeping yourself updated as to what is happening there is a hassle as well as time-consuming, Flipboard integrates Twitter, Facebook and other Feeds at one place on your Mobile Desktop.



Top Android Apps of 2013

7. Pitfall

Everyone loves games, Pitfall is a game addiction as well, its a free-runner game with falls, snakes, jungle, jumps, bikes and a lot more tragedies to keep you logged-in to this game.

Top Android Apps of 2013

8. Instagram

Snap pictures, caption them and share them with your instagram community or even share them on Facebook, instagram is rapidly growing into a global image share service.

Top Android Apps of 2013

9. Over Drive Media Console

This app enables you to download ebooks and audio books and collections directly onto your Phone .It is a very solid Media console with a very innovative User interface, you arrange/delete/add your collection in a newer and better way, you can see details about each category, search and sort them and download them.

Top Android Apps of 2013

10. GWiki- Wikipedia

We use Wikipedia, everytime we need to know something, whats the better utility for this service when your on the go and you want to know something, Wikipedia App for Android is a sorted App, you can search, categorize , bookmark articles, at your ease.


Top Android Apps of 2013

The Above Apps are not only must-haves and Top Android Apps of 2013 they will also continue to be a need for Smartphone users because of their distinct functions, Interface and most importantly, they are all free.