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Powerful Tips for Creating Killer Email Subject Lines [Email Marketing]



Email marketing can be seen as one of the most important parts of your online business, without which it’s not only hard to make an impact on your target market, but the long term sustainability of your business is also not very stable.

Email Marketing

If you want to get the best possible results from email marketing, there are many actions you must take, but your email subject line is one simple but crucial element that you should consider a priority. No matter what action you hope that your subscriber will take, he or she must first decide to open and read your email first, which is what makes the subject line so critical. We’ll therefore be exploring a few useful tactics that will help you write great subject lines.

You probably get at least as many promotional emails as you send out -start paying attention to these and see what tactics are being used.

You may be surprised at how many ideas you can get this way, especially from emails with clever subject lines. This can be especially useful when you read emails sent by large companies with professional marketing departments, as they constantly test their approaches. As you study the emails you receive, you should be considering how certain words or approaches could be modified in ways that would fit in with your own campaigns. This can open you up to the many possibilities for subject lines and will make it easier for you to generate ones of your own. Aesthetics do matter with marketing, so never make your subject line so long that is will not fit in the field character parameter. You generally will not write long subject lines to begin with, but to be safe keep them below fifty or forty, about that. There is a lot of debate going around when it comes to what length works good for subject lines, but if you want to be on the safe side, keep it short and sweet.

While it’s important that your subject line is different each time, you should try to maintain consistency when it comes to the writing style. If people can read your subject line and immediately know who the email is from, you’ve accomplished something. Subject lines are critical when it comes to getting people to read your emails, so it’s a good idea to find your own original voice. Familiarity goes a long way in ensuring that your emails are opened, so having a style all your own will give you an edge over marketers who display no originality or creativity in their messages.


Email marketing can be a great asset to your business, but only if you learn to master the fundamentals, such as writing a subject line that arouses the reader’s interest. Spending more time on your subject lines will reward you as your open rate will improve, resulting in better results and conversions as well.

Try these suggestions for yourself and see how much difference they can make to your email marketing efforts.