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Search smoothly,Find it Fast….Just ChunkIt!



Think about the average search, either on a search engine or a Web page with built-in search function. You type in your keywords and generate a list of results, often with a snippet of text that contains your keyword.
To find out which pages are the most useful, you need to click them one by one to look at them.
You can always open up multiple tabs to do this, but you’re still going through each page looking for your search terms within the text. Often that involves extra keystrokes running the search function in your browser.
ChunkIt simplifies this by splitting your screen into two vertical portions. On the right are your search results. On the left are what we might call “deep” or “chunked” results, meaning chunks of text showing your search terms in context.

The chunks ChunkIt extracts are usually far more useful than the bare-bones descriptions provided by the average search engine. Your search terms are highlighted within them for quick reference. Click on the icon next to any chunk and the page opens in the right panel, with the information you need already targeted and highlighted.

This revolutionary approach to search will save you hours of time and frustration because you can avoid aimless browsing and endless clicking from one link to another. It’s the perfect application for researching consumer products, gathering important information, sifting through discussion groups and blogs, and finding answers to all your home and technical problems.

This is useful stuff if you do a lot of research, and it works across a wide range of Web sites as well as documents. Hunting down what you need in a lengthy PDF file you’ve found on the Net can be exhausting.

Here again ChunkIt quickly extracts the information, with the added option of letting you highlight links you find in the text and “chunk” them with a single mouseclick. All of this saves you the back and forth of opening Web pages and clicking the back button as you move through your results.

Key Features:
Transform your favorite search engine (Google, Yahoo, Live Search, AOL or Ask)
ChunkIt! searches within the pages of your engine’s results to find your search terms in context. You can then preview the resulting multicolored “chunks” for relevance without clicking on the actual page.

See More Beyond the Links
ChunkIt! digs deep inside a Webpage and all of the webpages it contains links to, as it searches for information relevant to your search.

Be in Two Places At Once
Click the ChunkIt! icon next to a chunk in the left side of your browser, and ChunkIt! highlights that information in the context of its original Web page on the right side of your browser.

Searching through Documents
ChunkIt! allows you to search lengthy reference manuals, PDFs, legal documents, contracts, and news sites quickly and effortlessly.

Email your chunks
Share your findings effortlessly by clicking on the “Email Chunks” link.

It’s very well designed and easy to use, and I found that it really speed up my web searches. But usually, I dont like too many toolbars on my browser window but ChunkIt toolbar is a handy enough that I’ve decided to keep it on my browser.
The reason: This free add-on, which also works with Internet Explorer, saves time in going through search results, taking you to the information you need without excessive mouse clicks.

DOWNLOAD ChunkIt! Toolbar

Check out the Video Tutorial to learn How to ChunkIt!


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