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Test your Antivirus with Fake Virus



You installed an antivirus, free or not, you would definitely like to know is it well configured, that is it active and you are well protected. 
Some fool would like to play with fire and visit dangerous websites to check whether his/her antivirus detects any kind of virus or not! You would indeed be likely to expose your computer at the very important risk which can go until the compromising of your computer and the loss of data.

To test your antivirus in full safety, you can use the file of Eicar test. This file is detected as a virus by the anti viruses but it is not a Virus!

It does not contain any viral code. If the false virus is detected, it is that your antivirus is active and protects you.

1. To create this false virus, you need simply to open notepad & copy/paste this code written in red below.


2. Then “Save As” the file while clicking on File then Save as.

3. Give any name to the file, like,  “”. (including ” “)
4. Choose the location where you want to save it (e.g on Desktop) and then click on Save button.
5. If your antivirus is correctly activated, then in second or two, it must then alert you instantaneously presence of the Eicar virus.

If your antivirus does not see anything, than you have a problem!!
It could be because of two reasons: permanent protection is badly configured or there were some problems during antivirus installation. Then you have to read documentation of your software to correct this problem.

If the false virus is still not detected, you must then seriously think of changing your anti-virus software !!
