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With Multcloud Managing Cloud Storage Was Never This Easy



We live in a world where we are never certain even about our life let alone anything made by us. Almost all of us make multiple backups of some important things, be it the documents of your business or simply music of your band, we do tend to store our valuables in some place which we deem as safe, right? But since every cloud storage comes with a limited storage capacity, we tend to register for multiple services of such kind so that we can bank extra space. And while it may sound really great to have ample of spaces in multiple platforms, it actually becomes quite difficult to keep a check on every platform. Adding to that, it also creates a lot of hassle to look for a particular thing because with so many accounts, you always find yourself clueless about where you kept this particular file “A”, no?

So, do not you yearn for an application or software with which you would be able to manage all of it just from a single screen? Well, if you have been wanting to get this kind of application, your prayers have been answered because with “Multcloud” your life is definitely going to become a lot easier. It is a complete app that synchronizes between all of your cloud storage platforms and makes it a lot easier to manage all of your data between each other. So, if you are wondering about some of the many features that it will offer to you, then you need to stick with us and read ahead because if you do so, we are sure that you are going to fall in love with Multcloud in no time. So, without making any more of a fuss, let’s leap to those points:

Transfer Files between Multiple Cloud Storage

With the help of Multcloud, you can now gain access to different clouds of yours in real time. Meaning, that after you have logged into your different cloud platforms through Multcloud, you will be able transfer files between different platforms directly without having the need to download and upload it again. All you need to do is, select the file(s) that you need to transfer and then go to the cloud storage you want to have the file(s) transferred to and then it’s done! See; how simply it is, right!?

Transfer your Files even if you have Powered Off

If you are a victim of repeated power breakage and are looking for a software that works mostly on its own, then Multcloud definitely has to be your choice. By making use of a new technology of background transmission, your files get transferred even if the PC has gone down be it for any reason whatsoever.

Transfer Files at an Amazing Speed

We are sure that you would not have seen a transfer between cloud storages this fast. By making use of multi-server parallel transfer tech, you can expect that your rate of transferring file will go up by at least 200%. With the help of Multcloud speed and stability, you will ensure that your tasks get done at an amazingly insane speed.


The Price

Well, this is certainly one of the most important factors before you will go with Multcloud and you may be wondering how much would you need to spend before getting hands on it, right? And its cost is certainly its best part because, in order to get “Multcloud”, you absolutely do not need to pay anything at all. Yeah, you read it right! Multcloud is an amazing app that comes for nothing and is absolutely free. So, what’s the point of keeping yourself away from it when you can get hands on something amazing and that too for nothing!
