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How To Make a Website Secure At The Highest Level



Make a Website Secure

If you are a website owner, it is now easy to make a website secure by oneself so take the time to protect it by implementing some basic methods to make a secure website, before it is too late to prevent hackers from hacking.

How To Make a Website Secure At The Highest Level

There are several ways a website can be hacked for example it can be a hack from the hosting or themes and some hacks happen just because of weak passwords and possibly old plugins. Here are some tips to follow when you need to know how to make a website secure

1. Use Strong Password

Hackers frequently use software which instantaneously test every word in Wikipedia and this way they can access your password if there is same word available in Wikipedia. So you shouldn’t use the real words or names in any language for passwords.

You should better keep passwords include a random arrangement of lowercase and uppercase letters, as well as numbers and symbols and do not use any logical or significant number sequence that can be easily deciphered. Your passwords should be gibberish.

It means that do not use your pet’s name, your kid’s birthday dates, or anything else that makes sense (you can use some senseless type of words). If you are confused with keeping the password, You can use a password generator App to help you do this – just make sure to save your passwords in a secure place.


So you should go now and change your login password. And ask other users to do the same job, before you face any difficulty to make a website secure.

2. Delete and Update

When you think of how to make a website secure from hacking attempts you should focus on keeping your website updated. The website only becomes insecure when you are not keeping it up to date. If any part of your website site that is still not updated to its latest version, it is a security risk, because hackers find vulnerabilities in websites through outdated files, plugins, and themes. Clean out your website of any unused or old and non-updated plugins — they are easy for hackers to be used as a gateway to enter your site and wreak havoc on it.

So go now and update your site if it is not having the following points so that you can make a website secure:

The latest version of Website
The latest version of all installed themes
The latest version of all installed plugins

3. Change the default username “admin.”

The “admin” is a default username when you create a Website. Most people keep this as it is (admin) so that it makes easy for hackers to hack because “admin” is their first try that they use to guess your username. This way they have already done their half work to hack your site.


So to make a website secure; change your account username from “admin.” to something else.

Note: You can not delete an account because if an account with username “admin” uses only Administrator level access, so first you will have to create and log in to an another Administrator level account. WordPress needs to confirm that there is some way to access Administrator functions for your site.

4. Limit Login Attempts

The Limit Login Attempts plugin. It is a clever little thing-a-ma-jig.

A common way that hackers attempt to get access to a site is using software that bombards the login page with an infinite number of username and password combinations and until they strike gold. If you are not following steps 1 and 2, they will strike gold fast and easy.

The beauty of this plugin is that it limits the number of times so that anyone can attempt to login limited times to your site within an hour.


If you are a forgetful person so you can set it to 10 limit logins or else 5 times is already enough.

The Limit Login Attempts plugin makes a website secure.

5. Delete your installation folder.

When you have completed the installation, you should quickly remove installation folder from your computer. It is possible for a hacker to access your computer remotely and run the installer again. Once they get access, they can empty your database and control your content and website. Another option renames the installation folder rather than delete it. So you should cover all of the bases that can result in harm to your website.


Failing to understand that these are the possible causes of leaving your website unguarded will be an open invitation for hackers to hack your website. Go now and try out all of the above-mentioned points to make a website secure, to avoid facing such outcomes.
