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Make Money With Android Phone By Making Your Lock Screen Interactive



Make money with android phone

What if you’re told that you can make money with android phone every time you unlock it? Sounds too good to be true, right? But it’s possible with Slidejoy Lock screen. It’s an app that makes your lock screen interactive and monetizes it.

Make Money With Android Phone Using Slidejoy

How Slidejoy Works?

Make money with android phone

After registration on Slidejoy, your lock screen is used to show news story, promotional ads or deals, which enables you to earn money with your android phone.
On your lock screen you can:

  • slide up to see more news
  • slide right to go straight to your home screen
  • slide left to get further info on the promotional content
  • slide down to access your notifications and app shortcuts

Slidejoy Lock Screen doesn’t bother you with ugly or inappropriate ads, it’s clean and interactive. Slidejoy asks you to fill your details when you sign up for it, so that you are shown relevant ads. If you are at a store it can locate you with your permission and provide you with a coupon or discount offer if available.

What Makes Slidejoy Stand Out From Other Money Making Methods?

Many money making websites and apps demand your time from you. They ask you to take surveys, make taps for money, and what not. But that’s not the case with Slidejoy. What makes it unique and stand out from other money making apps is that it really wants both, advertisers and viewers to benefit from its service. Therefore, the apps designed such that users can’t abuse the service to make money with android phone. So it doesn’t matter if you look further into a promotional ad or simply move on to your home screen, you’ll be paid the same. The developers said that they opted for this method because this way they will be able to provide legit service to their customers.

Earning And Payment Method

Make money with android phone

You can make money with android phone and earn up to $10 with Slidejoy. Slidejoy pays in cash or rewards you with gift cards which can be used at your favorite brand or retailer. While $10 may sound a very low amount, the app is still better than the ones which demand a lot of time. The app is neat and not at all cumbersome. So at least it can help you with your phone bills. Besides that whatever you earn is updated in your account the very next day. And you can redeem your cash every month from PayPal, which makes it very safe as well. Also, if you want you can donate the earned money to charity too.

Final Verdict

Personally I would definitely use an app which is as legit as Slidejoy to make money with android phone. It’s like paying me for checking my phone! And even if it pays just a few bucks then it’s worth it, given that it’s a hassle free experience. More such cool apps/ideas and we can earn a good amount of pocket money without breaking a sweat!
