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[How-To] Login Windows Live Messenger with Gmail Account



If you use Windows Live Messenger as your primary Instant Messenger then you’ll amazed to know that you can use any email address of yours to login Windows Live Messenger. Very few of WLM users know about this fact.

This tutorial will cover the basics of adding a Gmail address of yours in to Windows Live Messenger.  For this tutorial you need to have a gmail account and offcourse Windows Live Messenger already installed in your system.

So here are the simple steps to follow:

1. Go to

2. Scroll down and click on the Get started now link as an Use an e-mail address you already have field.


3. Fill your email address which you want to use (your gmail email address here), your password, secret question and answer and finally the verification code then click the Continue button.

4. On  next page type your email address in the box for sign the agreements and then click I Accept.

5. Now Login to your Windows Live email account and verify the added account by clicking on link which is received by Windows Live Team.

6. It’s all done. Open Windows Live Messenger and login with your gmail account’s credentials.

windows live messenger with gmail account
