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Submit your Site to Top Search Engines



If your site or blog is new then Search Engines will take time to crawl and add your site to their database.

Submitting your blog or site to search engines is THE most important way for visitors to find your site or blog.

Everyone wants to see their site on top search results of search engines.

If you also want top the search engine placement for your site then don’t wait for the search engines to automatically find you.

Just manually submit your site to them.


Submitting your site or blog to search engines should be one of the immediate steps to take just after creating your blog.

Here are some submission links of top search engines from where you can manually submit your site.

1. Google

2. Yahoo! Search

3. Windows Live Search


4. Cuil
(Remember: “Cuil” claims itself as the World’s biggest search engine)

You can use also free service of “Submit Express” which submits your site to 20+ top search engines at once.
Submit Express

It should be understood that simply submitting your site to search engines doesn’t mean your site/blog will appear at the top of a search results screen immediately.

It will take some time to Search Engine’s Crawler to pick up all the pages of your site which may depend upon the amount of traffic to your site.



If you have already submitted your site to Google, you can Check your site’s status in Google index.
