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How To Make Readers Read Instead Of Skimming Your Content



How To Make Readers Read

Imagine you wrote an amazing article on an informational, problem-solving topic. You gather all the facts and data from top resources, add images, give it a modern, appealing look, check again three to four times if something’s still missing and in the end, find it appeasing enough to post on the blog. Even after posting, you share it on several social platforms and send to a list through email. What next? Wait for the reaction. And the reaction is … nothing! Absolutely nothing! Maybe someone from the circle writes a comment or click on the like button just for appreciation and encouragement, but we all know that is not enough!

How To Make Readers Read

If you too have gone through the same experience where you start judging your own skills, just read some tips for ‘how to make readers read’.

1. Use Small Sentences

Small sentences carry big messages. Most importantly, when you are writing something informational. Ever noticed someone using long sentences in conversations? No they don’t! Mainly because real life is not about narrating something. That’s exactly what you do when blogging. Do not indulge your reader into long sentences and even if you have to do it, mean each and every word that you write.

2. Use Natural Language

Collaborative and synergistic accession conduce toward the elite byway.  Understood? Me neither! That’s because I wrote it in a highly confusing and difficult manner. All the writers run towards something unique, exceptionally different from others. But the race and competition should be related to the correct use of talent not difficult vocabulary. Write but don’t make your readers feel inferior as if they are illiterates. Use natural language just like you do in routine.

3. Insert Facts And Figures

I come across an article on some site and it comprises of 3 pages, some 3000 words of plain text. I will open it and close it immediately. I mean seriously, who has that much time to read the text? However, I went for a blog and found some highlighted facts and some whopping numerical figures. BINGO! That’s what everyone wants. Don’t judge a book by its cover. You might have come across this saying, but a blog does not belong to this classification. A blog is always judged on how much the writer has invested time to make the research highlighted. Use as many figures and researched facts in your articles as possible to make it more appealing.


Colorful financial graphs and charts

4. Insert An Inquisitive Image

There are many entertainment and news websites on the internet which share their articles on social media. What do they do to attract users? They feature and highlight an image which ignites the flame of curiosity among the audience. The one who sees it can’t help himself from clicking it. This is where the marketing starts. So whenever you write something, don’t forget to add an image which makes the reader inquisitive as what possibly be the connection of the photo and the article.curious

5. Use Engaging Headings And Sub-Heads

The same problem comes here again. Thousands of words without a stop. The reader should not be thinking about sleeping while reading your blog. Therefore, break your writings in heading and sub-headings which are engaging. However, do not disclose everything in the heading only.  Just like inquisitive images, use headings that further ignites the curiosity among the readers. For instance, if you need to write a software review, you can use a header which says ‘ABC Software Is Good But …’

6. Use Bulleted List

Even headings and sub-headings are not enough if you want to engage readers more into your writings. If it is a paragraph, people will still try to skim it no matter how many techniques you use to keep their minds captivated. Instead of trying a lot of new things, just go with the conventional bulleted lists. Points in bullets are always easy to read, easy to learn and readers simply know that few words conceal great meanings.

7. Bold Some Content

If any of the points above didn’t work for you, this is definitely going to do magic. Never forget, if it is bold, it is important. Though you can’t bold a whole article, but you can always grab attention with bold letters. Some established and experienced writers usually use this technique when quotes are to be inserted in a post. The bold font captures the attention and the quote automatically forces the brain to read what is hidden in the remaining words.

What you read above does not mean anything if your content is plagiarized or not well researched. So to make a blog viral, first focus more on your topic, dig deep for the facts and when you have enough knowledge to convey to your readers, don’t stop writing. Keep it in mind that even all these points work well in your case and your article is bogus, nobody is going to come back to see what you have written recently.
