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How to Hide “Sticky Notes” from Windows 7 Taskbar



Sticky Notes in Windows 7 is one awesome little handy feature. It allows you to write anything short notes and put as a sticky notes on your desktop.But the only problem is that it runs as a application and takes space in the taskbar. If you close the Sticky Notes application, all the notes disappears from your desktop. It would be great if the application runs in background but leave the notes on the desktop.

Although this is not possible yet it can be removed from the taskbar by hiding it to save the precious little space on the taskbar, with the help of a little application called “Sticky Notes Taskbar Hider“. I think the application’s name explains it all! 🙂

The other issue with Sticky Notes is that there is no option by default to run it on system startup.

Sticky Notes Taskbar Hider allows you to recover that lost taskbar space used by the awesome Windows 7 Sticky Notes feature. With complete functionality like launching on system startup, hotkeys, along with the super easy usability Sticky Notes Taskbar Hider can make your use of Sticky Notes a hell of a lot easier.

Sticky Notes Taskbar Hider allows you to easily from hotkeys, or via the system tray icon, show or hide the Sticky Notes item from the taskbar. Other hotkeys allow you to launch Sticky Notes and also bring Sticky Notes to focus.

Download Sticky Notes Taskbar Hider
