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Follow these tips to drive free Visitors traffic to your site



Writing Quality articles, giving time to minor details on every bit of the post requires a little bit effort but after that what we expect is… few people reading those articles! and it gives more satisfaction when good number of visitors read your blog’s feed/articles.

Just like every other blogger I also searched and tried for each and every possible way to increase number of visitors to my blog.

And as a blogger, Driving traffic to your blog to gain new readers should be included in the things you do on a regular basis.

Based on my personal blogging experiences, here are some tips that will help you to grow your reader-base by getting high amounts of traffic to your blog.



1. Social Bookmarking

The first thing that helped me a lot in driving traffic is to share your blog posts on social bookmarking sites, like;


….you can use any social bookmarking site you like.

Be sure when you submit to these sites you use appropriate tags so that people searching the site will find your submission easily.

But remember sending the links to Digg or StumbleUpon or to any of above mentioned sites will only increase the number of visitors you receive.


What is more important is to Increase your group of friends on each site so that you can take full advantage of these bloggers tools.

There are plenty other social bookmarking sites are available.

Click Here to See list of top 10 of these types of sites, with a short description of each.

You can add shortcut button than can submit an article to many bookmarking sites like these.
Click HERE to learn how.



2. Publish your Link

Post a link of your blog on the forums you use and visit. If it’s allowed to put a web link in your forum signature there’s no reason why you can’t market yourself and your blog there.
Just post frequently in those forums and be an active member, and just sit and watch the traffic come pouring in to your site.



Commenting is no doubt the most Essential thing in blogging. Yes! It is a simple but essential tool to increase your blog’s traffic.

First, respond to comments left on your blog to show your readers that you value their opinions or queries. This will increase their loyalty.

Secondly, leave comments on other blogs to drive new traffic to your blog.
In comment box there a text box to enter your site’s address, just don’t forget to put your site in there with your comments.
If people read an interesting comment, they will surely likely to click on the link to visit the commentaor’s website.


Posting comments on others blogs of your interests will definitely enhance the new traffic to your site.


4. Keep it Updated

Frequently updating your blog with useful and interesting contents is the first step to building your blog’s audience.
The content you write is what will keep readers coming back. Make sure you have something meaningful to say to them and say it often to maintain their interest and keep them visiting.

On average 4-5 posts weekly is a good enough to keep your readers coming back.

And Remember! Don’t try to re post or copy text from other blogs or sites, for those topics that have been posted several times before.
Just Keep it genuine … Write yourself. ! 🙂


And posting frequently, will increase the number of chances you’ll have your blog’s content to be noticed by search engines such as:
Google or


5. Make it Searchable

This should be one of the immediate steps to take just after creating your blog. Submit your blog to Search Engines such as Google or Yahoo by submitting your blog’s URL to them.

Click here to read for Tips how to add your site to Top Search Engines.—

It’s should be understood that simply submitting your blog to search engines doesn’t mean your site/blog will appear at the top of a Google search results screen.
It will take some time to Search Engine’s Crawler to pick up all the pages of your blog based on the amount of traffic to your site.



6. Use and Update Your Blogroll

Add links to sites you like in your blogroll below.
See my blogroll…? all of those blogs, are of my friends..:-p

If you click on those links, you will be redirected to their blogs. In the same way readers on their blogs will see my blog on their blogrolls…;-)

The hope is that some of those readers will click on the link to your blog on the other blogs’ blog rolls and if visitors find your content interesting and enjoyable they can be your blog’s permanent readers.

Simple! Isn’t it?.. Free Traffic ! 🙂


7. Add RSS Feed to your blog


Setting up an RSS feed button on your blog makes it easy for your readers to not just read your blog but also know when you publish new content.

Click here to learn how to add RSS Feeds to your blog.

8. Make it Attractive by adding Images

Images don’t just make your blog look pretty and attractive, they also help others to find you in search engine. Most of the Search Engines also offers image searching options.
Searchers find your image with your complete blog page at the bottom half of the image search page (like in Google).


This will surely boost your traffic of your blog….Just name your images properly before adding to your post.
This will increase the chances of the images in your post to appear on search engine’s searches…
Read Here about Image Optimization.

These were the few useful tips to direct visitors traffic to your site.

Hope these help.

If you know more… then share it with me.

I’ll be waiting for your comments.
