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29 Tips To Get Extra Traffic Through Email Marketing



Email Marketing Tips To Get Extra Traffic

Email marketing which is permission based has a better investment return as compared to the unsolicited email, traditional advertising or direct mail. Most of the email marketing services have completely revolutionized the way business is done. Abetted by the measurable results, researches depict that email marketing is one of the marketing tools that businesses choose to attract, hold and grow customer bases. All around the world, small business marketing strategies help in achieving:

  • Brand Loyalty
  • Web traffic
  • Strong bonds
  • Leads
  • Sales

Email Marketing Tips To Get Extra Traffic

Email Marketing Tips You Should Follow

Email marketing best practices take the following tips under consideration to attract extra traffic through email lists:

  1. Begin with the compilation of a permission-based list.
  2. Ask for contact information and in return, offer them something of value like a free seminar, a newsletter, free information about your services and products.
  3. While gathering email addresses, only ask for the relevant data. Unnecessary question may heat them up and may keep them away from your list.
  4. Include an unsubscribing option in the emails. Spam or unsolicited emails may harm your reputation.
  5. In order to respond as quickly as possible, manage the contact lists in an ordered way.
  6. As the email addresses change with time, keep modifying the list while tracking the amount of undeliverable emails and bounce-backs after each email campaign.
  7. Make sure that your privacy policy is concise and clear and have all the details about the treatment of clients’ personal email information. In every email campaign, link your policy for better results.
  8. Never try to breach a customer’s trust and stay focused with the privacy policy.
  9. Craft a message that offers value as it is critical to the email campaign.
  10. Have a close look at your competitors. Take a few minutes out of the busy schedule and sign up for their newsletters. This will keep you updated about what they are doing.
  11. When getting newsletters from other campaigns you are following, pay attention to what pushes you to open and read and what makes you delete right away.
  12. Before generating the right message, come up with a marketing strategy which showcases your objectives and future goals.
  13. Use email marketing in the right way and help it produce leads, increase revenue, build brand awareness, increase web traffic, and strengthen customer relationship.
  14. Don’t write a too long message nor a too short one. A ‘tip of the day’ kind of short message will make people open the email and read for a while
  15. The message should be casual and personal.
  16. Write the message like you are talking to the customer. People love to see humanity behind the corporate veil.
  17. Hire one person for writing and sending emails as this creates a bond between him and the customers; someone they can rely on.
  18. Make the ‘from’ part of the email personalized so it is clear who sent the email.
  19. The word ‘free’ and ‘offer’ are usually dumped into the spam folders automatically, so avoid using such words.
  20. The subject line should reflect your honesty. Write a clear benefit in the subject line so that the customer is tempted to open the letter.
  21. The subject line should be attention-grabbing enough. The title should not be vague or obsolete. Instead, use current norms of email marketing which attract the customers.
  22. Encourage the customers to forward it further to other people so the intention behind the campaign can be achieved.
  23. Choose the correct format that suits your message.
  24. Rich media messages and HTML format emails that encompass animation, audio and video generate the right kind of response rates. However, the same message should be in the text format too for every kind of people.
  25. A hyperlinked table of contents should always be a part of the email so that the customers may look into your further information whenever they want.
  26. For plain text messages, a lot of white spaces and bulleted point work best.
  27. Italics and all caps are always hard to read, so they should be avoided.
  28. Keep the column, if any, narrow so that it makes easy for readers to scan the emails.
  29. Keep sending the emails with different email accounts to make it look good in all the mainstream email clients.