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Docstoc : Upload Documents and Earn Money Through Adsense


on is one of the best places to keep your documents online. With Docstoc, you can store ALL your documents (.doc, .xls, .ppt, .pdf) in your own customized, personal online folders for anytime, anywhere access.

You can access your private documents, and manage public documents you can publish to Docstoc from one location. Docstoc is the fastest and easiest way to preview and access your documents.

You can also embedd your documents in your site or blog and can also sync all the documents on your personal computer with Docstoc.

But the most interesting thing about Docstoc is that it lets you put your adsense ads on your documents but half of the revenue you earn will be kept by Docstoc.

1. Just Sign up for
2. Put in your adsense account details in your profile
3. Upload some “quality” documents”.
4. Share your documents to your friends circle.
5. And Start earning the revenue (50/50) that your documents generate.

The More you upload the more chances of earnings!


To learn how this revenue sharing program works, see the video:


