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3 Simple Tools To Host Giveaways & Sweepstakes On Your Website



Best Tools To Host Giveaways

One key to make loyal, enthusiastic and permanent visitors and customers to your site is the eye-catching graphics and optimal customer services. However, in today’s competitive web, this is not enough to take over your rivals. There is a term called ‘free gifts or giveaways’ which forces a user to constantly look for the updates on your website. If you want to incorporate it too, just have a quick glance at the following Best Tools To Host Giveaways.

giveaway time

Promo Simple

Promo Simple works on the following four steps:

  • Create: this is the first step where you need to specify the entry details which can include the data, social media interactions and possible email sign-ups.
  • Design: make the entry form appealing by designing it with fonts, colors and images or simply select one from the pre designed themes and templates.
  • Promote: encourage the visitors to promote the giveaway and award bonus when someone shares or refers a friend.
  • Analyze: the services comes up with a real time report every now and then. You can also export spreadsheets at any time.

The PromoBar is another feature of Promo Simple which lets you grab the attention of every user to your website. It increases the chances to gather information for direct marketing. The service also enables you to work with third party tools to automate the process of subscription. Once you enable the ‘Refer A Friend’ option, you automatically guarantees a reward to your visitor for each referral.


The tool makes it extremely simple to manage and launch a giveaway for your website or a brand. There is no limit to it and the best part is, you don’t need any advanced knowledge of IT.  This works quite simply without the integration of any code. The new giveaway can be made public in minutes. The site claims that if you know copy-paste, you will find the tool too simple to use.

Rafflecopter is known to have the simplest interface of all and rated as one of the Best Tools To Host Giveaways. It has been under use by many companies, startups, agencies, blogs, online sellers and more. The billing is flexible with a refund policy and an incredible technical support.


Gleam helps you to add attractive competitions on your website at your fingertips. Following are some of the best features of Gleam’s services:

  • They verify the entries through the social platforms so that your time can be saved and it also improves the quality of the giveaway.
  • Any place where HTML can be used, the competition or giveaway can be posted without any difficulty.
  • Gleam lets a user register their social accounts so the competitions can be accessed with just one click.
  • You are free to choose the entry type, colors, icons and how to verify a visitor.
  • Allow users to gain extra rewards if they share the contest on social media to go viral.
  • With each month, more emails and networks can be added to the website.
  • Certain users and countries can be restricted on your website to enter in the competition so that the natives can get more chance to win.
  • Engage with the contest by viewing who is entering the competition on a regular basis.
  • You can get to chat with the key influencers through social media or emails.
  • You can see timestamps, real time entry data and user details so that a user can be blocked for any wrong doings.
  • You can choose a winner at time intervals, like every day or at the end of the contest. Manual winners can be chosen as well, anytime.
  • When a new contest starts, notify the previous competition’s users through email or in some other way possible.