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What is Spread Firefox offers a simple Affiliate program that allows you to easily spread the word about Firefox. Refer people to download Firefox, earn points and a chance to be rewarded with some very cool stuff!

What to do to get rewards?

By putting buttons and/or banners on your website or blog and encouraging users to download Firefox, you’ll be eligible to be rewarded with some really cool stuff!

It’s easy and free to join! All you have to do is register for the program and you’ll be provided with a selection of banner ads and buttons to place on your website. You’ll get credit for every person who visits your website or blog, clicks through to the Firefox download page, and downloads Firefox! It’s really that simple. Just follow these simple steps to get started:

1. Join Spread Firefox

A Spread Firefox account will also allow you to participate in Spread Firefox projects and give you access to the message boards. And best of all, membership is free.

2. Get Buttons

Once you have an account, simply choose the button that you want to display on your website or blog. If you don’t see one that you like or there are none in your language, you can also create your own with help from the Create Buttons page.


3. Post Buttons

Copy the source code and paste it anywhere on your website or blog to link to us and get affiliate credit. Your button code will have a unique identifier (the “id =your identifying number”) so that you get credit each time someone clicks on one of your Firefox buttons. Make sure to sign in before copying and pasting the code or your points may not be counted.

4. Earn Points!

Start earning Spread Firefox Affiliate points for your efforts! Earn enough points to rank in the top 250 Affiliates and earn a chance to be featured on the Affiliates homepage, and win exclusive Top Fox prizes!.


What are the Rewards?

Through this Affiliates Reward program everyone with more than 5 downloads a quarter has an opportunity to be rewarded for their active membership.

Ten rewards each quarter will be offered to ten individual Affiliates with incentives such as a Flip Video Camera, an iPod Touch, an iPod Nano, Amazon Gift Certificates and exclusive Top Fox T-shirts!

Once you have been chosen to receive a reward (not including t-shirts) you will be ineligible to receive another reward for a full year. Awardees, who qualify for the rewards, will be selected randomly from the pool

Visit: now to get your affiliate link and start earning points.
