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3 Services to Share Anything Simultaneously on Multiple Social Networks



The fast growing world does not give much time to spend on repetitive tasks and the invention of robots might have the same reason behind it. People get bored instantly if they are assigned a task which needs to be repeated several times a day. The same goes with the social media publishing. If you have an online business and all your updates are uploaded on the social media platforms numerous times a day, it could have become quite hectic if the following simultaneous social media sharing services were not there.

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dlvr it allows you to send all your blog posts through Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, automatically. The basic features are very easy to set up but the advanced ones are worth considering as well. This is an app which is used by a number of different social media professionals, making it famous day by day. There are numerous options in this particular area of technology, but has the best automation features of all.



OnlyWire is an automation tool which allows you to publish web content with great ease. The service checks for the new content on WordPress site or ATOM/RSS feeds on an hourly basis and post all the content on your preferred social communities. The automation suite of OnlyWire includes RSS Feeds, WordPress Plugin and Developer API.

Additionally, the OnlyWire’s monitoring console helps you in viewing and responding to comments posted on your accounts. From a single console, you can control and view all the social network profiles to monitor your happenings. Moreover, the OnlyWire’s analytics and reporting tools can allow you to track the performance of your social media accounts, measure the ROI and can also grow your social footprint.


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IFTTT stands for ‘If This Then That’ and is a web service which collaborates different web apps into one place and perform actions according to your choice. For instance, if you like a picture on Instagram, that photo will be saved in a folder on your online cloud. Once you are a member, you will be able to generate ‘recipes’. Each recipe includes two web apps, one can be used to trigger and the other to perform a particular action.
