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Daily SEO Rank Checker – A Free SEO Companion For All [Review]


As a webmaster or a blogger, you must know how important it is to keep your site up on search engines so you can get the traffic and readers right from the search engine result pages.

If you have a site with wide range of topics then it’s a little difficult job to create a list of specific keywords and optimize your site and it’s content accordingly. But what if your site or blog has a very specific niche and restrcicted or few targeted keywords? In that case it’s not an easy job to keep the site alive in the indexes of search engines and to keep that traffic coming. Because of the rapidly increasing competition on the web, you have to make sure that your keywords are ranked at good spots in SERPs. For news based blogs where the content is updated rapidly you might need to keep a close eye on keywords rankings on almost daily basis.

There are dozens of popular tools online that help you keep track of your targeted keywords and their rankings in daily-changing search engine preferences but to keep yourself updated you need to do the monitoring stuff manually but with Daily SEO Rank Checker, it’s not that hard anymore.

Daily SEO Rank Checker is the perfect tool that keep tracks of your targeted keywords and shows you the results instantly. You can keep track of your competitors and see how good or bad their keywords are doing and getting the traffic that you can get as well.

Daily SEO Rank Checker


Daily SEO Rank Checker brings the results of keywords rankings from Google and Bing search engines. The most interesting thing that makes this tools stand out is the email alerts whenever your keywords change rankings. It’s a totally free tool to use and with free version to can generate a report of 5 keywords. And if you register yourself (which is free too), you can get more benefits and advanced features.

Daily SEO Rank Checker Report

On the reports section, you can add your competitors domains to see how they are performing on specific keywords comparing to your site. You can set the custom alerts at the reports screen to send yourself alerts whenever any of the site loses or gains the keywords rankings.

Daily SEO Rank Checker is highly recommended for webmasters of all levels who are really serious to know how keywords optimization can change the amount of traffic to their sites. A free to use tool for all to attaining the competitive SEO edge.

[This was a sponsored review]

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How to Make Sure the Article You Have is plagiarism free?

how to check plagiarism free article

The act of copying someone’s text, content or article and publishing it with the own name is called plagiarism. It’s easy to find information almost for any article through the internet, but it’s not easy to add that information into an article without falling into the plagiarism. Avoiding plagiarism is easy with the help of some simple tricks. Follow some easy steps while writing your article to ensure that your content is free of plagiarism. In this article, we will tell you how to check plagiarism free article and to avoid plagiarism in your article.

Steps To Avoid Plagiarism

Following are the steps to avoid plagiarism:

Take Your Time

Plagiarism mostly happens with an intimidating deadline and when you need to get the next task finished quickly. Hence, the first step should be to make sure that you have plenty of time to the writing process. Make sure you have enough time for double checking and editing the content so that you don’t have anything left in there that you didn’t write yourself.

Keep Track Of Sources

If you use someone else information, mention it below. Better yet, provide a link to them while writing or place the link into the draft. That way you will stay aware of what’s your own written and what have been taken from other people.

Read more than one source

In most cases, the danger of plagiarism also shows up when you limit your research. If your article is completely based on single content, you easily run the danger of sticking to its original formatting, phrasing, and other identifiable features. So, do broad research and read or learn through as many sources as you can.

Use Quotes

If you simply want to lift the text exact from your resource materials, you should quote other peoples’ text on your blog post and provide a link to the online resource or the site you took it from.


In this case, the same goes if you plan to include a point or an original idea from the alternative source. Even if you’re expressing it in your words, make sure to place a link. This not only frees you from the plagiarism but it’s also a better option regarding SEO.


When spreading information that does need to be transferred to everyone (because it is collective knowledge), make sure to re-paraphrase or rewrite it. Must keep that in mind publishing the content in same language or phrasing will only get you punished for plagiarism.


Finally, probably it is the best way to confirm your article is plagiarism free is to check. That does not mean, just to edit your content until its unique completely, but also, run it through a plagiarism checkers mentioned in the list below. These checkers will compare your content to available web sources and will notify you whether your content is completely free from plagiarism or not.

How To Check Plagiarism Free Article With Following Tools

if you have are searching for, how to check plagiarism free article? Use following tools to re-check your content before publishing it. It may take few minutes but will save you from lots of headache concerning plagiarism.

1. Plagiarism Checker By Small SEO Tools

It is a free online plagiarism tool that will run your article or blog through Google and other search engines, phrase by phrase, and provide % score on its uniqueness. It takes some time to perform the check for longer content, but the sweep seems to be detailed. It can perform maximum of 1000 words per check

2. WorldEssays Plagiarism Checker

It is another free plagiarism checker. An unregistered visitor can sweep up to five times per month. It works very well and can successfully list all sources of the plagiarized content available in the article.

3. Grammarly

Grammarly is a paid tool which apparently runs your content through 8 billion websites. Grammarly plans start from $11.66/month on a yearly contract and can extend up to $29.95/month. It is mostly used by professionals who need to check a lot of text every day.

4. Copyscape

A plagiarism tool that will not only help you find a copied content on the web but their premium version also enable the user to check their work for originality and uniqueness.

5. Duplichecker

Duplichecker is also a free online content checker, with no maximum words/search. Unregistered users can only be able to search one time. Registered users can unlimited searches, and it is completely costless. This checker enables two options ‘Copy/Paste’ and online ‘File Uploader’.


Be sure to edit your article carefully and check for plagiarism before publishing. The steps above are essential for content writing. Using plagiarism checker services is a considerable way to assess your anti-plagiarism skills and paraphrasing.


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SEO Techniques That No More Work In The Year 2016

SEO Techniques That No More Work in the Year 2016

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) provides great help to improve traffic on websites by getting it to a top-rank placement in (SERP) Search Engine Results Page such as Bing, Google, Yahoo, and many others. Some of the strategists may say that SEO is dead, which is not true at all. As the matter of fact, SEO has died for the people who have failed to adapt to the dynamic rules. These rules change almost every month and increase the requirements of tools, knowledge, skills and patience. Below are the SEO techniques that no more work in the year 2016

SEO Techniques That No More Work in The Year 2016

SEO techniques that have worked great until yesterday might not work at all tomorrow. Indeed, with the growing rate of upgrades by Google it doesn’t matter if your website traffic graph was at the top yesterday, you may see it going down tomorrow.

It is important to keep in mind, that we should have a look at the following 7 SEO techniques that no more work in the year 2016. Indeed, they were the best methods five years back, but now they do nothing more than harming your site. They are:

Focusing On Quantity Of Links Over Quality

If you’re still using large numbers of links to boost your website’s ranking, it’s the time you should stop doing it and focus on the quality of links. Because it is more important to provide the quality links than stuffing loads of links. After all, Google has said that the websites can have as many links as they are in a reasonable amount.

Putting keywords in Meta description

Almost a decade back, it was a good technique to put keywords in the meta description, and it also used to get users’ results. But after 2009 (per Google’s new rules) the keywords are no longer used as an SEO ranking factor. But this doesn’t mean that you should ignore the metadata descriptions. You should provide the metadata descriptions by writing them with keeping the audience in mind so that they can understand what the website is about.

You should provide the metadata descriptions by writing them with keeping the audience in mind so that they can understand what the website is about.

Overdoing keywords – high keyword density

Many strategists may say that over stuffing the keywords in web content, meta descriptions, titles, etc. is useful, but nowadays this is not the case. While Google has not given any specification about keyword density over stuffing keywords in your web content and a large number of times that a keyword appears in metadata, webpage, descriptions, and titles, in particular, it can harm the SEO rankings of your site.

Duplicating content

Google has provided a detailed notice about the Duplication of the content regarding SEO. They agree with the idea of many websites that requires the duplicate content, but this only includes printer versions of web pages and the forums that provide the content aimed at saleable items and mobile devices that are linked via URLs. If the mentioned content is not your idea of duplicating a content for your web, then you will be charged for manipulating the search results.

If the mentioned content is not your idea of duplicating content for your web, then you will be charged for manipulating the search results.

Do Not Waste Time On Adding Images To Your Content

It is also one the SEO techniques that no more work in the year 2016. For a time being, it was acceptable to oversight the images and hope for a good ranking without using any alt text image. Eliminating the images on your articles or your sites will make you miss a tool which can be important. Search engines need to find any images on websites. Therefore, it is important to provide alt-text describing images for the Google to know what it returns.

A Better Ranking for More Traffic

It is a misconception that high ranking helps to attract more traffic to your site. Appearing on the top list is one thing, but attracting visitors is completely a different story. There are couple of reasons behind this misconception which states as:

  • Your content strategy is not appropriate.
  • Your meta descriptions are not attractive.

Provide More Pages to Get More Traffic

Some SEO experts may tell you to have more pages to get more traffic on your site. Likewise, link building, if content writing is done for the only purpose of filling the number of pages, it won’t work. It is important to focus more on the quality rather than quantity. Only good quality content can help you to increase your site ranking. But if your content is no good, all those pages you have created are just a waste of time.


These outdated practices were used to be productive years ago. In modern times, it is crucial for SEO strategists to understand and adapt the latest methods very quickly. The best techniques to go with SEO is to keep yourself updated with the modern trends and implement them to get results and leave those SEO techniques that no more work in the year 2016.

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Top 5 Websites To Get SEO Courses Online for FREE

Get SEO Courses Online for FREE

Nowadays if you want to manage or operate a website then it is important to learn about SEO. No matter how good you are as a developer, but after creating a website the most difficult objective is to keep your site up-ranked to get more traffic on it, this is where SEO courses usually come handy. Below is the list of the best websites where you can get SEO courses online for free.

Where To Get SEO Courses Online For Free

The most important thing while searching SEO online courses for free, is to learn that you do not have to believe everything that comes across your way, this is mainly the reason that I have to put together this list of SEO online courses that you could do it for free. Because they really do work and are helpful to get you a Free SEO Online course.

MozGet SEO Courses Online for FREE

Moz is one of the best resources you could get, to do free online SEO courses. It’s a beginner SEO course, which includes 5 lectures comprising of 51 minutes of educational content. This site is also supported on Android, iPhone, iPad and many of the different browsers. They also do provide you course certificate after its completion.


Get SEO Courses Online for FREE

If you are planning to get SEO course online for free, by studying yourself, then KKSmart website would be the perfect solution for you. It also teaches you about what are the SEO tricks so that you can learn how to take your website among Top Google ranked websites. If you are looking to hire someone for your SEO problems so, KKSmart also provides you a video tutorial that will help you to select the right person for your SEO.


Get SEO Courses Online for FREE

ClickeMinded is a self-paced SEO learning site where you can learn up to 66 courses and 5 hours of content classes. This site both offers premium and free online courses in which, their premium course includes 30 days money back guarantee. This site supports multiple browsers, iPhone, iPad and Android devices as well. They also provide completion certificates.

SEO Book

Get SEO Courses Online for FREE

SEO book is a top-ranked resource website from where you can easily get SEO courses online for free, it includes over 100 training modules. It has been the well known and is used as a reference website all over the web and is currently being used as the material for authorized college courses in internet marketing. It is one of the leading SEO community forums where you can directly interact with some of the sharpest minds and can get all your questions answered.

Search Engine Land

Get SEO Courses Online for FREE

Search Engine Land was created by Danny Sullivan who is perhaps one of the most recognized face and name in SEO technologist. Danny is frequently on the edge of the latest developments in search. On his website, there are loads of blogs written about SEO and its techniques that you can read. The blogs on this site will help you to learn everything regarding SEO and its techniques easily and for free that will save your time and money that you may spend on long SEO courses.


Everyone who operates or owns a website for his business it is important for him to master some of the important skills of SEO. If you are able to master those skill then you can make your website a top-ranked site, it would as easy as a piece of cake. The websites mentioned above worth a look. If they are of any help to you, let me know through the comments below.

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